If you’re a business owner managing employees or in any occupation where you provide professional services that lead or motivate others, I highly recommend watching this video. It provides a literal illustration of the key points from Daniel Pink’s book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us in an engaging animation. The talk provides some interesting scientific insights into human nature and ways to get the most creativity and innovation from others, and perhaps even from yourself. The main theme is studying incentives and using scientific knowledge of ‘motivation’ to improve business productivity, quality, and work satisfaction. As of today there were 8,372,189 others who have watched it, so maybe you have already too. If you haven’t, it’s very worth the 10.48 minutes of your time to find out if you are one of the many employers who has been unintentionally de-motivating your team. In either case, I think you’ll enjoy this fresh perspective on ways to tackle everyday business challenges.
BizInsure Guest Blogger: Tanya Weliky
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