Consultants have to fill various roles throughout a normal working day. From client pitches to networking, problem-analysis and plan execution of the created plan, each situation requires a different set of characteristics. This post illustrates top characteristics and activities that define good consultants. How to be a great consultant There are several clearcut ways in […]
If you’ve ever considered consultancy as a career, you may have wondered about the types of consultancy jobs and what the best option may be for you. Consultancy, much like entrepreneurship, requires an in-depth understanding of establishing and running a business. But depending on the type of consultancy you want to offer, you may also […]
Consulting is a challenging career. Soliciting advice from experienced consultants could be insightful when you’re handed a difficult project. But getting one-on-one time with industry experts is not always possible. Fortunately, the internet makes it easy for consultants to access resources online whenever they need help. Here are the top consulting blogs and websites that […]
Management and Other Consulting Books for New Consultants This list of consulting and management books gives you access to business and strategy insights that you can use to establish yourself as a successful consultant, irrespective of whether you’re a consultant at a firm or an independent consultant. From financing your business to taking consultancy insurance, […]