Home Health Care License Requirements by State

Sep 7, 2023 · 33 minutes to read

Home health professionals are in high demand throughout the country. Home care agencies, home health aides, and in-home caregivers are regulated in many in many states. You may need special home health training or a home health care license to join this growing industry.

Male care worker serving dinner to a senior man at his home

Before you take on your first patient or even begin to advertise your services, check that you meet the home health aide state requirements* in your state. Home health care classes and insurance may be necessary to get started.


You do not need a license to become a home health care worker in Alabama.

However, you will need to complete a minimum of 75 hours of training (including 16 hours in a clinical setting) to work in a Medicare-certified home care agency or become a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA). You may also need to complete 12 hours of continuing education each year.

If you plan to work for an agency, you may have their own requirements that you will need to meet for employment.

Is insurance required?

Home care agencies need Workers’ Compensation insurance if they have one or more employees.


To receive a home health aide certification in Alaska, you must meet the state’s basic requirements:

  • Complete at least 140 hours of home health training, including 80 hours of clinical training
  • Become a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA) by completing the required training and passing an exam

Home health aides working for an agency may also need to meet the agency’s training and employment requirements.

Is insurance required?

General Liability insurance is recommended for independent home health aides. It and Workers’ Compensation insurance may be required for home care agencies.


You do not need a license to become a home health aide in the state of Arizona.

However, you must complete a minimum of 75 hours of training (including 16 hours in a clinical setting) to work in a Medicare-certified home care agency. You may also need to complete 6 hours of continuing education each year.

Home health aides are listed in a central state registry after passing a competency exam.

If you want to work for an agency, you may have their own home health training or other requirements that you’ll also need to meet.

Is insurance required?

Home care agencies need Workers’ Compensation insurance if they have one or more employees.


You do not need a home health care license to work with Arkansas patients.

However, you will need to complete a minimum of 75 hours of training (including 16 hours in a clinical setting) to work in a Medicare-certified home care agency. You will also need to pass an exam that tests your competency and patient care skills.

Is insurance required?

Workers’ Compensation insurance is required for home care agencies with one or more employees.


Home health aides need a license to work in California. Licenses are granted by the Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing Division.

California’s home health aide state requirements include:

  • Being at least 16 years of age or older
  • Completing an approved 120-hour home health training program (including 20 hours of clinical instruction)
  • Passing a background check via Live Scan fingerprinting
  • Pay an application fee

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

Home health agencies must show proof of General Liability and Professional Liability, as well as Workers’ Compensation insurance that covers their home care aides.


You do not need a license to become a home health care worker in Colorado.

However, you will need to complete a minimum of 75 hours of training (including 16 hours in a clinical setting) to work in a Medicare-certified home care agency. You will also need to pass a criminal background check before the agency can place you with a patient.

Is insurance required?

Self-employed home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

Home health agencies in Colorado must purchase either General Liability insurance or a surety bond to become licensed. Workers’ Compensation insurance is also required.


You do not need a license to work as a home health aide in Connecticut.

However, you must complete a minimum of 75 hours of training (including 16 hours in a clinical setting) to work in a Medicare-certified home care agency. You will also be required to pass a competency exam.

Is insurance required?

Self-employed home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

Home care agencies must have Workers’ Compensation insurance that covers their employees.


A home health care license is not required to work as a home health aide in Delaware.

However, home health aides must complete a minimum of 75 hours of training (including 16 hours in a clinical setting) to work in a Medicare-certified home care agency. You may also need to complete 12 hours of continuing education every 12 months.

You will also need to pass a background check to work with an agency or in a skilled nursing facility.

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

Home care agencies in Delaware need to show proof of General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance to receive a home health care license.


There is no home health aide license for individuals in Florida.

However, you will need to meet the home health aide state requirements to work with certified and licensed agencies:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Complete an approved 75-hour program (including at least 16 hours of clinical training) to work at a Medicare/Medicaid home health agency
  • Complete an approved 40-hour program to work at a licensed-only agency
  • Receive a diploma in home health care
  • Pass a competency exam
  • Pass a background check

Is insurance required?

Individual home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance may be required to become a licensed home health agency.


Individual home health aides do not need a license to work in Georgia.

However, to work for a licensed home health agency that offers Medicare/Medicaid services, you are required to complete an approved home health training program. The program must be 75 hours, with at least 16 hours of clinical training.

You will need to complete 8 hours of continuing education each year.

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance may be required to become a licensed home health agency.


Home health aides in Hawaii must first become a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA). Hawaii’s home health care qualifications include:

  • Complete an approved CNA program of 100 hours, including a minimum of 70 clinical hours
  • Pass the nurse aide exam
  • Become listed on the state’s nurse aide registry
  • Complete 12 hours of continuing education each year

Is insurance required?

Freelance home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

Home health agencies may need General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance to receive a home health care license.


In Idaho, you must be a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA) before you can become a home health aide (HHA). Once you have done this, you can complete home health care classes. HHA training in Idaho includes at least 120 hours of training with a minimum of 40 clinical hours.

Home health agencies must obtain a license to serve patients. These home health care licenses are granted by the Department of Health and Welfare.

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance may be required for home health agencies.


Home health aide certification in Illinois is required to work with patients. You must complete 120 hours of home health training, including 40 hours of instruction in a clinical setting.

Illinois also requires health care workers to pass a background check. You will then be listed on the state Registry of Health Care Workers which is overseen by the Department of Human Services.

Home health agencies must apply for a license through the Department of Public Health. Agencies are responsible for ensuring that the HHA’s they hire are properly trained and have passed their background check.

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

Home health agencies must provide proof of General Liability insurance with their home health care license application. Workers’ Compensation insurance may also be required.


You do not need a home health care license in Indiana, but you must complete home health training, register with the Indiana Department of Health, and pass a state police background check.

Home health training in Indiana consists of 75 hours of instruction, including 16 hours in a clinical setting. You may also need to complete 12 hours of continuing education every year. Training is typically provided by home health agencies.

Is insurance required?

Home health agencies may need General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance.


To become a home health aide (HHA) in Iowa, you must complete 75 hours of HHA training, which includes at least 16 hours of clinical instruction. HHAs must also take 12 hours of continuing education every 12 months.

Is insurance required?

Home health agencies in Iowa may need General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance.


Home health aides in Kansas must be a Certified Nursing Aides (CNA). To become a HHA/CNA, you must:

  • Pass an approved 110-hour course that includes at least 45 hours of clinical training
  • Be in good standing on the public nurse aide registry
  • Complete 20 hours of home health training
  • Pass an HHA exam

Once you have passed the exam, you will receive a home health aide certification and listed as an HHA in the public nurse aide registry.

Is insurance required?

Home health agencies may need General Liability and Workers’ Compensation to become licensed in Kansas.


Home health aides in Kentucky must complete 75 hours of home health training. At least 16 hours of the program will be in a clinical setting. You will also complete 12 hours of continuing education every 12 months.

Home health agencies in Kentucky must apply for a license through the Department of Health and Environment.

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides may consider insurance to help protect themselves on the job.

General Liability and Workers’ Compensation may be required for home health agencies.


Home health aides (HHA) in Louisiana do not need a home health care license, but they do need to complete approved HHA training to work in a Medicare-licensed facility. The program includes 75 hours of instruction, including 16 hours in a clinical setting.

Home care agencies must receive a license from the Department of Health. Criminal background checks are part of the application process.

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides may consider insurance to help protect themselves on the job.

Home health agencies must provide proof of General Liability, Professional Liability, and Workers’ Compensation insurance as part of their home health care license application.


Home health aides in Maine do not need a license. However, they must be registered on the state’s Registry of Certified Nursing Assistants.

To become a home health aide, you will need to:

  • Be at least 16 years of age
  • Have completed at least the 9th grade, though a high school diploma or equivalent is preferred
  • Complete an approved program of 180 hours, with at least 70 hours occurring in a clinical setting
  • Pass a criminal background check

Home health agencies and personal care agencies are also required to register with the state.

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides may consider insurance to help protect themselves on the job.

Home health agencies may need Workers’ Compensation insurance that covers their employees.


To receive a home health aide certification in Maryland, you must first become a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA). You can then become a HHA as long as you meet the home health aide state requirements:

  • Complete at least 100 hours of training, including 40 clinical training hours
  • Complete 12 hours of continuing education every year

Home health agencies need a license to operate in Maryland. The application process includes passing an on-site inspection of your agency.

Is insurance required?

While not required, many home health aides consider insurance to help protect themselves at work.

Home health agencies must provide proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance to become licensed.


To receive a home health aide certification in Massachusetts, you must complete an approved HHA training program. This includes a minimum of 75 training hours, with 16 hours in a clinical setting. You must also complete at least 12 hours of continuing education every 12 months.

You may need a home health care license to open a home health agency in Massachusetts. You will need to register to accept payment through Medicare. You may need a license from the Department of Labor Standards if you do not directly employ HHAs, but instead place or refer them to patients.

Is insurance required?

While not required, many home health aides consider insurance to help protect themselves at work.

Home health agencies may need Workers’ Compensation insurance for their employees.


You do not need a home health care license to become a home health aide (HHA) or operate a home health agency in Michigan. However, to accept Medicare/Medicaid payments you must complete a 75-hour minimum training course that includes 12 hours of clinical training.

Home health agencies must also meet the federal requirements for providing in-home care.

Is insurance required?

Individual home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many have it to help protect themselves while working.

Home health agencies may need to show proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance to operate in Michigan.


Both individuals and home health agencies providing in-home care must have a home health care license in Minnesota. There are two licenses you can apply for:

  • Basic Home Care License – Allows licensee to provide assistance with daily activities (dressing, feeding, toileting, hygiene, etc.), meal preparation, housekeeping and daily chores, and reminders to take medication.
  • Comprehensive Home Care License – Allows licensee to perform Basic Home Care License tasks, plus some medical services (i.e., nursing, physical therapy, speech therapy, nutritionist services, etc.)

To receive a home health care license, you must:

  • Complete at least 75 hours of HHA training (including 16 hours of clinical instruction)
  • Pass a background check
  • Provide information about your business, the services you will provide, and the areas you plan to serve

Is insurance required?

If you have employees, you must provide proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance. You may also be asked to show proof of General Liability insurance.


You do not need a license to become a home health aide in Mississippi, but you must meet the home health aide state requirements. These include:

  • 75 hours of approved HHA training, including 16 clinical hours
  • Pass an exam
  • 12 hours of continuing education every 12 months
  • Pass a background check
  • Pass health screenings prior to employment and every year after

A home health care license is required to start a Mississippi home health agency. To apply for a license, you must:

  • Submit information about your agency’s ownership
  • Submit info on the services you intend to provide and the types of employees you will hire
  • Pass an inspection of your agency

Is insurance required?

Individual home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many have it to help protect themselves while working.

The state of Mississippi strongly recommends that home health agencies have General and Professional Liability coverage. Workers’ Compensation insurance is required to cover your employees.


You must complete a home health aide certification program to become a home health aide in Missouri. Approved programs consist of:

  • 75 hours of training (with at least 16 hours in a clinical setting)
  • 100 hours of on-the-job training under the supervision of a registered nurse
  • Pass a competency exam
  • Pass a state background check
  • Register with the Family Care Safety Registry

Home health agencies must apply for a license if they are providing home health or in-home care. Licenses are granted by the Department of Health and Senior Services. Home health care license requirements include:

  • Submitting information about your business and service area
  • Providing your Medicare and/or Medicaid certification numbers
  • Pay an application fee

Is insurance required?

Independent home health aides are not required to have insurance, but many consider it to protect themselves on the job.

Home health agencies will likely need Workers’ Compensation insurance that covers their employees.


Home health aides (HHA) in Montana are held to the same standard as Certified Nursing Aides. This means that you will need to complete more than the federal minimum training hours set out for HHAs.

Montana’s home health aide state requirements include:

  • 91 hours of training, including 16 hours of HHA training and 25 hours in a clinical setting
  • Pass an exam

You will need a license to open a home health agency in Montana. Licenses are granted by the Department of Health and Human Services. To receive a license, you must:

  • Submit a certificate of need that your services are required in the area(s) you intend to service
  • Provide information about your services and staff
  • Pass a site inspection

Is insurance required?

While not required by law, General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to protecting home health aides and agencies from common claims. Workers’ Compensation may be required if you are operating a home health agency.


Home health aides do not need individual licenses to work in Nebraska. However, you will need to meet the state’s training requirements to work in a Medicare or Medicaid certified facility:

  • Complete 75 hours of training, including 16 clinical hours
  • Complete 12 continuing education hours every 12 months

If you are starting a home health agency, you will need a home health care license. These licenses are overseen by the Department of Health. To apply you will need to:

  • Provide your agency’s policies and procedures around patient care, complaint handling and other required areas
  • Submit proof that you have administration staff and a registered nurse supervisor
  • Pay an application fee

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to protecting home health aides and agencies from common claims. Home health agencies may be required to show proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance.


You do not need a license to become a home health aide (HHA) in Nevada, but you must meet the state’s HHA training requirements to work with Medicare/Medicaid agencies. These include:

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (as required by your employer)
  • Completing at least 75 hours of training (including 16 hours in a clinical setting)
  • Completing 12 hours of continuing education training every year
  • Pass an exam
  • Pass a background check

Home care agencies will need a license to operate in the state. To become licensed, you must:

  • Submit a notarized application form
  • Provide proof of zoning approval (such as a business license)
  • Purchase a surety bond
  • Submit qualifications and references for your administrator

Is insurance required?

Home health agencies must provide proof of General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurances with their licensing application.

New Hampshire

Home health care qualifications are stricter in New Hampshire than in many other states. A home health aide must be a Licensed Nursing Aide (LNA) and complete the required home health training:

  • 100 hours of training, with at least 60 completed in a clinical setting
  • Pass an exam

Home health agencies must have a license to operate in the state. To receive a license you must:

  • Submit information about your agency
  • Pass a site inspection
  • Pass a background check
  • Pay a licensing fee

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to protecting home health aides and agencies from common claims. Home health agencies in New Hampshire may be required to show proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance.

New Jersey

Home health aides in New Jersey must receive a Certified Homemaker-Home Health Aide license from the New Jersey Board of Nursing. To receive a license, you will need to:

  • Complete an approved home health training course of 75 hours (including 16 in a clinical setting)
  • Pass a competency exam
  • Submit a copy of your passport, certificate of naturalization or immigration documents
  • Clear a criminal background check
  • Pay an application fee

A home health care license is required to open a home health agency, called a health care service firm in New Jersey. Registration is overseen by the Division of Consumer Affairs. Home care agencies must provide information about their agency when they apply:

  • Name and address of agency
  • Your Employer Identification Number (EIN) provided by the IRS
  • Provide licenses for your Health Care Practitioner Supervisor, Registered Nurse or Licensed Physician
  • Surety bond number or waiver

Is insurance required?

Home health agencies are required to have General Liability insurance to operate in New Jersey. You may also need Workers’ Compensation insurance that covers all of your employees.

New Mexico

You must have a home health aide certification from an approved program or home health agency to work as a home health aide in New Mexico. State-mandated HHA training includes:

  • 75 hours of instruction, with at least 16 hours of supervised practical training
  • 12 hours of continuing education every 12 months
  • Passing a competency exam

Home health aides must also receive a performance review every 12 months. The review should include a written evaluation and the HHA needs to perform a skills demonstration.

Home health agencies must have a home health care license to operate in New Mexico. To apply for a license, you must:

  • Send a letter of intent to New Mexico Department of Health to request an application packet and be assigned a clerk who will assist with your application
  • Submit policies and procedures around patient care, abuse reporting, and other relevant regulations
  • Pass a building and safety inspection
  • Receive board of pharmacy approval if your agency will handle drugs
  • Provide medical information and relevant licenses/certifications for staff who work directly with patients

Is insurance required?

If you have three or more employees, you must provide proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance in accordance with New Mexico law. You may also be asked to show proof of General Liability insurance.

New York

Home health aide certification is required in New York. Certificates are issues through the New York State Home Care Worker Registry (HCWR) after you have successfully completed your home health care classes.

HHA training must include:

  • 75 hours of instruction, with at least 16 hours in a clinical setting
  • Passing a competency exam
  • Completion of 12 continuing education hours each year

A home health care license is required to open a home care agency in New York. To apply you must:

  • Provide details of your business ownership and structure
  • Submit a list of proposed services you will provide
  • Provide a summary of operating costs for the first 12 months you’re in business
  • Disclose any relevant enforcement, administrative, or legal actions made against you

Is insurance required?

Under New York law, you must provide proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance for your employees. You may also need General Liability insurance.

North Carolina

Home health aide certification is required for individuals in North Carolina. To become a HHA, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Be a nurse aide listed on the state registry
  • Complete a 75-hour HHA training course (with at least 16 hours of clinical instruction)
  • Pass an exam

A home health care license is required to open a home care agency in North Carolina. You must first meet the home health care qualifications for the state, which include:

  • Submitting information about your business
  • Submitting relevant policies and procedures
  • Pay a licensing fee

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to protecting home health aides and agencies from common claims. Home health agencies in North Carolina may be required to show proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance.

North Dakota

Home health aides in North Dakota must complete approved home health care classes to work in Medicare-certified agencies. The course must:

  • Be 75 hours long, with at least 16 hours of clinical training
  • Include a competency exam

Home health agencies in North Dakota must have a home health care license to operate. To receive a license, you must:

  • Submit descriptions of the services you provide
  • Define the geographic area you service
  • Pass a site inspection

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to protecting home health aides and agencies from common claims. Home health agencies in North Dakota may be required to show proof of Workers’ Compensation insurance.


You must complete a recognized home health training program to work in Ohio. Approved training includes:

  • 75 hours of instruction (with a minimum of 16 clinical hours)
  • Passing a competency exam

A home health care license is necessary to open a home health agency in Ohio. These are issued by the state’s Department of Health. The home health care qualifications for agencies include:

  • Receiving Medicare certification
  • Purchasing a surety bond
  • Paying an application fee
  • Submitting information about your agency, including policies and procedures

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to protecting home health aides and agencies from common claims. Home health agencies in Ohio must have Workers’ Compensation insurance if they have one or more employees.


You must receive a home health aide certification to work in Oklahoma. This means meeting home health aide state requirements, such as:

  • Completing at least 75 hours of HHA training, including 16 clinical hours
  • Passing a competency exam
  • Be listed on the Oklahoma State Department of Health’s registry

Home health care agencies must have a license to operate in Oklahoma. To receive a home health care license, you must:

  • Receive authority from the Secretary of State to operate
  • Submit financial statements
  • Provide details of the services you’ll provide and staff you’ll hire
  • Pay a license fee

Is insurance required?

Home health agencies must provide proof of General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance to receive a license.


Home health aides in Oregon must be a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and listed on the state’s registry. You will also need to complete approved home health care classes that includes:

  • 75 hours of instruction with at least 16 hours of clinical training
  • Passing a competency exam

Home care agencies must have a license in Oregon. The home health care qualifications for agencies include:

  • Providing information about your agency, including its owners, services and office hours
  • Hiring a qualified administrator
  • Pay an application fee

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to protecting home health aides and agencies from common claims. Home health agencies in Oregon must have Workers’ Compensation insurance if they have one or more employees.


Pennsylvania home health aides must take approved home health care classes to work in the state. To meet this requirement, you must:

  • Complete at least 75 hours of instruction, including 16 hours of clinical training
  • Pass a competency exam

To open a home health agency in Pennsylvania, you must apply for a license from the state’s Department of Health. As part of your application, you will need to:

  • Provide information about your agency and office hours
  • Advise the geographic areas where you will provide your services
  • Post or provide materials to your staff regarding their civil rights
  • Provide details of relevant policies and procedures
  • Pay an application fee

Is insurance required?

If you are starting a home health agency, you will be asked to declare if you have General Liability and Professional Liability insurance. Under Pennsylvania law, you must have Workers’ Compensation insurance.

Rhode Island

Aspiring home health aides must first receive a nursing assistant license in Rhode Island. To become licensed, you must:

  • Complete an approved 100-hour program
  • Complete at least 20 hours of clinical instruction during the program
  • Pass an exam
  • Pass a background check

A home health care license is required to open a Rhode Island home care agency. Home health aide state requirements include:

  • Receiving a certificate of need
  • Maintain a physical office where records are stored
  • Provide information on the agency’s ownership
  • Hire a qualified administrator
  • Pay an application fee

Is insurance required?

Rhode Island home health agencies must have General Liability insurance and Workers’ Compensation insurance to receive a license.

South Carolina

Home health aides in South Carolina must meet the federal minimum requirements to work with Medicare patients or at a Medicare-certified agency. You will need to:

  • Complete an approved 75-hour program (16 hours must be taught in a clinical setting)
  • Pass the home health aide certification test
  • Pass a background check

A home health care license is required to start a home health agency in South Carolina. Licenses are overseen by the Department of Health and Environmental Control. To become licensed, you must:

  • Provide details about your agency and administrator
  • Declare what counties you will serve
  • Provide information about the agency’s owners/license holder
  • Pay applicable licensing fees

Is insurance required?

Though not required for licensing, General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to protecting home health aides and agencies from common claims.

Home health agencies in South Carolina must have Workers’ Compensation insurance if they have four or more regular employees.

South Dakota

You do not need a license to become a home health aide in South Dakota. However, you do need to complete an approved HHA training program to work Medicare patients. Your training must include:

  • 75 hours of instruction, including at least 16 clinical hours
  • Passing a competency exam

South Dakota home health agencies must be licensed to provide services in the state. Licenses are granted by the state’s Department of Health. To receive a license you must:

  • Provide information about your agency’s ownership, location, and office hours
  • Provide information on your policies and procedures, including an emergency preparedness plan
  • Pay applicable fees

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to shielding home health aides and agencies against the cost of common claims.

South Dakota law does not mandate businesses to have Workers’ Compensation insurance, but a policy could be useful in protecting your home care agency if an employee is injured on the job and demands compensation.


Home health aides in Tennessee must complete a home health aide certification to work in the state. This includes:

  • 75 hours of instruction with at least 16 clinical hours
  • Finishing the program within three months of employment at a home health agency
  • Passing a competency exam

You must have a home health care license to operate a home health agency in Tennessee. These licenses are provided by the state’s Department of Health. To receive a license, you will need to:

  • Apply for a certificate of need from the Health Services and Development Agency
  • Pass an inspection of your proposed offices
  • Provide information about your agency and administrator
  • Submit info on the geographic area you will serve and the service you’ll provide

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to shielding home health aides and agencies against the cost of common claims.

Tennessee law requires businesses with five or more employees to have Workers’ Compensation insurance.


There is no license or certification of home health aides in Texas. However, you will need to complete HHA training provided or supervised by a registered nurse to work in Medicare-certified agencies. Approved training includes:

  • 75 hours of training, including at least 16 in a clinical setting
  • Pass an assessment that tests your ability to follow instructions and read and write in English

A home health care license is required for home health agencies in Texas. Licenses are overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services. To become licensed you must:

  • Complete an online pre-survey to ensure you understand the state’s standards for home health care
  • Complete an application
  • Submit required documents
  • Pay a licensing fee

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to safeguarding home health aides and agencies against the cost of common claims.

Texas law does not mandate businesses to have Workers’ Compensation insurance, but a policy could be useful in protecting your home care agency if an employee is injured on the job and demands compensation.


Home health aides in Utah must be a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). To become licensed, you will need to:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Complete an accredited program of 100 hours with at least 24 clinical hours
  • Pass a competency exam

A home health care license is required to open a home care agency in Utah. Licenses are granted by the state’s Department of Health. When you apply for a license, you will need to:

  • Complete the application
  • Submit policies and procedures for your agency
  • Provide information about your administrator
  • Pay a licensing fee

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to shielding home health aides and agencies against the cost of common claims.

Workers’ Compensation insurance that covers all of your employees is required by Utah law.


Home health aides in Vermont must become a licensed nursing assistant (LNA). This certification includes:

  • 80 hours of training, with at least 30 hours of clinical training
  • Pass an exam

Home care agencies must be licensed to operate in Vermont. Licenses are granted by the Department of Human Services’ Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living. To apply, you will need to:

  • Provide information about your agency and administrator
  • Pass a criminal record check and abuse registry check (this applies to all staff and owners)
  • Provide three references
  • Obtain relevant building permits
  • Be in good standing with the Vermont Department of Taxes

Is insurance required?

Home health agencies must have General Liability, Professional Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance in Vermont.


You must complete an approved HHA training program to become Virginia home health aide. Your home health care classes should include:

  • 75 hours of training, including 16 clinical hours
  • A competency exam
  • 12 hours of continuing education every 12 months

A license is required to open a home care agency in Virginia. Home health care license requirements include:

  • Completing the application form
  • A written statement demonstrating that you are able to run a home care agency
  • Information about your agency, including an organizational chart and emergency preparedness plan
  • A copy of your business plan, working budget, and balance sheet
  • Purchasing a fidelity bond
  • Paying an application fee

Is insurance required?

Virginia home care agencies must have Professional Liability and General Liability insurance to receive their home health care license. Workers’ Compensation insurance is typically required for Virginia businesses with two or more employees.


You will need a home health care license to work as a home health aide (a.k.a., a home care aide) in Washington. Certification is required within 200 days of your date of hire with a home health agency and is overseen by the state’s Department of Health.

To become a home health aide, you must:

  • Submit a home care certification application within 14 days of hire
  • Pay the application fee
  • Submit a state and federal background check
  • Complete 75 hours of HHA training, with at least 16 hours of clinical experience
  • Pass an exam

Home health agencies must also be licensed in Washington. This process includes:

  • Providing information about your agency, services, and service areas
  • Complete an In-Home Services Orientation class
  • Submit criminal background checks for key personnel
  • Pay an application fee

Is insurance required?

Home health agencies must show proof of General Liability insurance to operate in Washington.

West Virginia

Home health aides (also called in-home care workers) must be certified and listed on the West Virginia In-Home Care Workers Registry. To receive a home health aide certification, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Complete an approved home health training program of 75 hours (with 16 hours of clinical training)
  • Become CPR certified
  • Pass a criminal background check and the WV Adult Abuse Registry check
  • Hold a valid driver’s license

Home care agencies must have a home health care license in West Virginia. Steps to get a license include:

  • Apply for a certificate of need through the West Virginia Health Care Authority
  • Pass relevant site inspections
  • Provide information to prove your agency is financially feasible

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to shielding home health aides and agencies against the cost of common claims.


You must be a Certified Nursing Aide (CNA) to work as a home health aide in Wisconsin. License requirements include:

  • Completing a 120-hour program (with at least 32 clinical hours)
  • Pass an exam

Home health agencies (also called a personal care agency) must have a license to operate in Wisconsin. To receive a license, you must:

  • Complete an online training module before applying
  • Submit a completed application form
  • Provide policies and procedures for your agency
  • Pay an application fee

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to safeguarding home health aides and agencies against the cost of common claims.

Workers’ Compensation is required by Wisconsin law for home care agencies with three or more employees.


A home health care license is required to work in Wyoming. To become certified, you must:

  • Complete an approved Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program of 75 hours (including 16 hours of clinical instruction)
  • Complete a 16-hour HHA training course
  • Pass an exam

A home care agency must be licensed to operate in Wyoming. Licenses are granted by the state’s Department of Health. To receive a license, you must:

  • Complete an application form
  • Pay the application fee
  • Purchase a fidelity bond
  • Submit proof of qualification for key staff members
  • Submit relevant agency policies and procedures

Is insurance required?

General Liability and Professional Liability policies can be beneficial to shielding home health aides and agencies against the cost of common claims.

Workers’ Compensation is required by Wyoming law for most businesses.

This information is a general guide only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Always check with your local licensing board when getting or renewing your [profession] license to ensure you are meeting their current licensing requirements.
As with any insurance, coverage will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording. The information contained on this guide is general only and should not be relied upon as advice. The number of quotes provided varies between products, occupations and other underwriting factors determined by the insurers.
© Copyright 2023 BizInsure LLC, 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BizInsure LLC; CA DBA: Simple, Smart, BizInsure Insurance Agency LLC; NY DBA: BizInsure Services LLC; NH DBA: Simple, Smart, BizInsure Insurance Agency; PA DBA: BizInsure Services LLC. 2950 Buskirk Ave Suite 300, Walnut Creek CA 94597. License #0H81929

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Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance

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General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance

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Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)

Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)

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Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

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The coverage you need for your business

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance

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General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance

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Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)

Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)

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Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

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